wear coats

Today I went sweeping all over the place, finally a long woolen Wintery coat, the result; that I swept the cats through the living room, making myself and my coat into a new toy, getting stuck in the car (coat + door) but I stayed warm for a change, because we all know how much I love summery clothing, especially in Winter ( the "I wish it was Summer" trend )

I'm waiting for the snow to arrive (maybe we can catch some of my seasonal slips - backflips - on camera, don't worry I got used making big slides and rough landings :) the fun :) and I want too much for Christmas!! and no, not only shoes and clothing... I'm really really hoping for some camera gear :) lenses, filters...

Today I started to play, while in the car with my camera's manual settings because I really want to figure out how to capture the beauty of the icy clouded gloomy Winter weather!


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